2024-05-31 5:17 AM
Hii team i am working with STM32F103RET6 mcu and i want to read the ADC value in DMA mode of multi channel and send these value to the PC using USB. but i am getting stuck in MX_ADC1_Init().
if (HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1, &sConfig) != HAL_OK)
} here my code is going to Error Handler and also i am getting proper value from ADC. i am
attaching my Zip file please review it and modify accordingly. i am newer to Stm32 so not getting any proper
solution for this.
2024-06-12 1:57 AM
Hello @Aayaan,
Welcome to ST Community!
I have downloaded your project .ZIP and tested it. and it works correctly.
Setup: Board STM32103-DISCO
Could you please check the configuration of your board, solder bridges, jumper(s)?