2016-11-02 1:16 AM
Hello everyone,
Nowadays I am working on a project that includes rs485 communication via LTC 2850 Rs485 converter and currently I am using STM32F030F4 arm microcontroller.Also I designed another controller card which works perfectly and I would like to communicate these two controller via rs485.But There is a problem on the stm32f030f4 side.I already programmed using C++ programming with CMSIS drivers.I didn't use any cubemx based hal drivers on it.No error occurs After I build the program.But It seems, falling into Hardfult handler eror at Register 15 (Program Counter) when I tried to check problems using debug mode.I have been facing this problem since the last Wednesday.You can check the eror from below picture adress.http://i.hizliresim.com/ZYb99A.jpg
Yesterday, I decided to create another example program using cubemx with hal drivers and It programmed flash memory correctly.There were no Hardfult_handler error and I was able to check each function which is created in main function.Also I would like to share my project with you, therefore you can check what is wrong detaily.I use Keil uvision mdk arm ide.The file is available in :http://dosya.co/4p4uhpg1x53o/Cekici-devresi-versiyon-1.0.rar.html
(You should click blue ''Dosya indir'' button to download)Any help would be highly appreciated! #no-hablo-hal2016-11-04 7:13 AM
I am still waiting for response.Nobody interested?
I would like to give you a good news, I got rid of a hardfault error.But unfortunately ı dont get any response from TX pin of the usart1.I made all configurations as you can see in shared documents above, but it does not send any character from usart1.I check it with debug mode and Usb to 3 pinconverter cable which is connected to GND,TX and RX pin of Usart1.2016-11-04 8:02 AM
Nobody interested?
Honestly, No.I have little interest into digging in to HAL/CubeMX stuff. I have also covered Hard Fault stuff here ad nauseum, please review any of the dozens of threads where I've discussed them, the common causes, and the ineffectiveness of a while(1) loop to debug/diagnose them.2016-11-07 2:52 AM
Hi clive1!
The file that I shared above is created based on Cmsis drivers.I don't get Hardfault error anymore, but unfortunately ı couldn't manage to send character or string via usart1.If you are interested in CMSis drivers,you can check this project from file which can be downloaded from above link and tell me what is wrong.Would you like me to share and write all codes here?