2014-09-08 7:06 PM
I am creating a project using STM32F4.The project should support LIN communication through UART4.I have the base code created using STM32CubeF4.I am using the provided HAL UART driver but the functions and it's documentation aren't clear.Does anyone here has a working code for LIN in STM32F4?♯ Any LIN transceiver module can do, I just need to know how to integrate it (initialize, handle the in/out buffers, etc) with the base code that I have. #stm32cubef4-lin-uart-hart-driver2014-09-12 6:09 AM
Hi tolentino.ronnel,
You can find below the LIN/UART available APIs within the STM32Cube FW:Concerning the LIN transceiver module, there no solution available now. We’ll let our team know about your suggestion.
Regards.2014-09-14 7:19 PM
Hi Heisenberg,
Thank you.Can you provide a sample code?Or at least the code flow for polling, dma and interrupt modes using these APIs?Regards.2018-08-09 6:17 AM
Hello ,
I also working with LIN communications. I use TJA1021T/10/C LIN transreceiver. I can send break message and see the consecutive break signals in oscilloscope. I use PEAK PCAN USB Pro FD API to see LIN messages but i cant see the break messages in that API. (By the way i cant send any LIN messages.)
In my MCU datasheet(STM32F091CCT6) says LIN transmit is same as normal UART transmit and that sentence i understand the i can use HAL_UART_TRANSMIT function but after i init the code with example data HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, 0x20BBCCDDEEFFDD11, 8, 10); i cant see any signals or message in oscilloscope and PLIN API
Did you use similiar things ? We can share our experiences to each other.