2017-12-26 6:11 AM
Hello Guys.
I am working on the STM32FF417IGH6 Controller.
I am having
3)EMMC Device
4) SPI1->LCD Display
5)SPI2-> Other purpose
6)Keypad 6x4
8) GPIOS for the LEDS
Now when I am Allocating unused pins but they are giving '?' problems to Ethenet/FSMC/USB
Now the PINS that can be used in Ethenet/FSMC/USB will be wasted.
how to avoid the same.
I required atleast 10 GPIOS to accommodate..
Are there any ways to proceed ahead..??
Deep c
#usb #ethernet #pinalocation #fsmc #stm32cube2017-12-26 1:19 PM
The part Data Sheet should provide pin details. You could check the pin usage against desired functionality manually.
For large LED arrays consider options to use shift registers and latches to reduce pin requirements. See TM1638 for LED and Key Scan devices.
External memories can soak up a lot of pins, especially wide data busses. Ethernet MII vs RMII
The STM3240G-EVAL board may provide some ideas about connectivity and pin usage.