2017-10-01 04:00 AM
Hi @all
I would like to write a simple uart transmission using dma.
I see the transmitted data with a logic analyzer. All looks good.
But, Interrupt functions USART6_IRQHandler, DMA2_Stream7_IRQHandler, HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback, HAL_UART_TxHalfCpltCallback, doesn�t call.
If i suspend, the program ends every time in an infinite loop in file startup_stm32f446xx.s
I use a Nucleo F446RE
Can everybody help me?
Many thanks
Infinite Loop:
&sharpinclude ''stm32f4xx.h''
&sharpinclude ''stm32f4xx_nucleo.h''&sharpdefine BAUDRATE 115200
&sharpdefine TXPIN GPIO_PIN_6&sharpdefine DATAPORT_TX GPIOCUART_HandleTypeDef huart1;
DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_usart1_tx;int main(void)
{ if( HAL_Init() != HAL_OK){ for(;;); }
//init GPIO
__GPIOC_CLK_ENABLE(); GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = TXPIN; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_HIGH; GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF8_USART6; HAL_GPIO_Init(DATAPORT_TX, &GPIO_InitStruct); //init UART __USART6_CLK_ENABLE(); huart1.Instance = USART6; huart1.Init.BaudRate = BAUDRATE; huart1.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_8B; huart1.Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1; huart1.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE; huart1.Init.Mode = UART_MODE_TX_RX; huart1.Init.HwFlowCtl = UART_HWCONTROL_NONE; huart1.Init.OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_16; if(HAL_UART_Init(&huart1) != HAL_OK){ for(;;); }HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(USART6_IRQn, 0, 0);
HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(USART6_IRQn); //init DMA TX __DMA2_CLK_ENABLE(); hdma_usart1_tx.Instance = DMA2_Stream7; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.Channel = DMA_CHANNEL_5; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.Direction = DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPH; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.PeriphInc = DMA_PINC_DISABLE; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.MemInc = DMA_MINC_ENABLE; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.PeriphDataAlignment = DMA_PDATAALIGN_BYTE; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.MemDataAlignment = DMA_MDATAALIGN_BYTE; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.Mode = DMA_NORMAL; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.Priority = DMA_PRIORITY_HIGH; hdma_usart1_tx.Init.FIFOMode = DMA_FIFOMODE_DISABLE; if(HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_usart1_tx) != HAL_OK){ for(;;); }__HAL_LINKDMA(&huart1, hdmatx, hdma_usart1_tx);
HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMA2_Stream7_IRQn, 0, 0);
char buffer[7] = ''abcdef'';if(HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(&huart1, (u_int8_t*)&buffer,sizeof(buffer)) != HAL_OK){
for(;;); }for(;;);
}void USART6_IRQHandler(void){
HAL_UART_IRQHandler(&huart1);}void DMA2_Stream7_IRQHandler(void){
HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_usart1_tx);}void HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart){
//test int test= 0, test1= 0; test = 1; test1 = test;}void HAL_UART_TxHalfCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart){
//test int test= 0, test1= 0; test = 1; test1 = test;}#interrupts #cube-hal #uart-dmaSolved! Go to Solution.
2017-10-01 09:55 AM
You're using a .CPP file, so you'll get name mangling on the functions and no linkage to the vector table.
extern 'C' void DMA2_Stream7_IRQHandler(void){
HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_usart1_tx);}2017-10-01 09:55 AM
You're using a .CPP file, so you'll get name mangling on the functions and no linkage to the vector table.
extern 'C' void DMA2_Stream7_IRQHandler(void){
HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_usart1_tx);}2017-10-01 03:59 PM
perfekt! it works!