2017-10-19 2:11 AM
(note this is my first question on ST community If I can do anything to improve the question, please let me know).
I am using an STM32F103C8T6 (aka Blue Pill).
With the STM32Cube I set CAN_RX to PB8 and CAN_TX9 to PB9 (these are defaults/nonchangeable).The generated CAN settings are:
hcan.Instance = CAN1;
hcan.Init.Prescaler = 16;
hcan.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_NORMAL;
hcan.Init.SJW = CAN_SJW_1TQ;
hcan.Init.BS1 = CAN_BS1_4TQ;
hcan.Init.BS2 = CAN_BS2_5TQ;
hcan.Init.TTCM = DISABLE;
hcan.Init.ABOM = DISABLE;
hcan.Init.AWUM = DISABLE;
hcan.Init.NART = DISABLE;
hcan.Init.RFLM = DISABLE;
hcan.Init.TXFP = DISABLE;�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?
(removed STM HAL generated comments blocks) int main(void)
/* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */
/* Configure the system clock */
/* Initialize all configured peripherals */
hcan.pRxMsg = &_rxMessage;
hcan.pTxMsg = &_txMessage;
_sFilterConfig.FilterActivation = ENABLE;
_sFilterConfig.FilterNumber = 0;
_sFilterConfig.FilterMode = CAN_FILTERMODE_IDMASK;
_sFilterConfig.FilterScale = CAN_FILTERSCALE_32BIT;
_sFilterConfig.FilterIdHigh = 0x0000;
_sFilterConfig.FilterIdLow = 0x0000;
_sFilterConfig.FilterMaskIdHigh = 0x0000;
_sFilterConfig.FilterMaskIdLow = 0x0000;
_sFilterConfig.FilterFIFOAssignment = 0;
_sFilterConfig.BankNumber = 14;
if (HAL_CAN_ConfigFilter(&hcan, &_sFilterConfig) != HAL_OK)
hcan.pTxMsg->StdId = 0x321;
hcan.pTxMsg->ExtId = 0x01;
hcan.pTxMsg->RTR = CAN_RTR_DATA;
hcan.pTxMsg->IDE = CAN_ID_STD;
hcan.pTxMsg->DLC = 2;
hcan.pTxMsg->Data[0] = 0;
while (1)
if (HAL_CAN_Transmit(&hcan, 10) != HAL_OK)
if (HAL_CAN_Receive_IT(&hcan, CAN_FIFO0) != HAL_OK)
Loopback mode
When I use loopback mode:hcan.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK
instead of Normal mode, I can transmit and receive messages (and the hcan shows the correct data in the received message).
However, in Normal mode (as shown in the code fragment above) I always get a timeout in the next command:if (HAL_CAN_Transmit(&hcan, 10) != HAL_OK)
The function returns: HAL_CAN_STATE_TIMEOUT
All initialization seems to be ok (all functions return HAL_OK).
What I tried was:- Using another STM32: no difference
- Using another transceiver: no difference - Played a bit with the SJW/BS1/BS2 time quantities: no difference - Making sure the time quantities were equal - Playing with different data values and filters: no difference - Checked the output of PB9 (CAN transmit): it seems not to change at all (so this is a problem): no difference - Removing the wire from GPIO PB9 (CAN Tx) to the TX of my CAN transceiver : no difference. - Checking the Transmit is cancelled (which is needed and was an old bug, but has already been fixed by the HAL library I'm using).Observations
- ESR is 111110000000000001010111, which means LEC[2:0] (see [Reference manual, page 682][1]), is 101 which is Bit dominant error
- BTR is 11101010000000001001111, which means bit 30 LKBM: Loop back Mode (debug) is 1, which is strange because in the setup I assigned CAN_MODE_NORMAL. - Directly after the command, the State is HAL_CAN_STATE_TIMEOUT, the Lock is HAL_UNLOCKED, the ErrorCode is 0.Questions
1. Why do I get a timeout? I'm having a hard time trying to find more to check what I already did. What bothers me is that the PB9 GPIO does not change, so I'm sure it's a software problem, but since there is no error code (it's 0) and initialization is OK, I'm getting out of clues.Related question:
2. Am I in loopback mode or not (according to the Setup I put CAN_MODE_NORMAL, but the BTR bit 30: LKBM shows otherwise.
#can #stm32f103 #stm32cube2018-05-12 8:42 AM
‘scope’ =Oscilloscope.....OK, I have one.
As described in Chinese above, I used an incorrect boardwhich PB8 and PB9 were occupied by other function. Using the oscilloscope, I identified the problem, purchased two new boards, andmake a ‘partially successful’ ping-pong test.
The same hardware configuration, the ping-pong test with the std library was completely successful----so I believe my hardware is OK
In my work routines, the simplest and necessary step in the testing of communication entity is ping-pong test base on two entities with the same hardware configuration. Such testing is more likely to find bugs than instrument testing.
and what's more: Board A work as device A / board B work as device B and board A work as device B /board B work as device A ,the test result is total the same.
You may be surprised: On China's e-commerce website, there are a lot of very cheap development boards on sale, and using them is very convenient to complete the tests you want. The board I bought was just more than a dollar. Two boards + two transceivers for a total of about $5.
So no moreinstrument is needed
can you open this site
a stm32f103c8t6 mini board costs RMB 7 ,just a little above $1. hoo hoo hoo
2018-07-07 6:03 AM
Sorry for my late reaction.
I tried yesterday to set the ABOM to enabled, but no difference.2018-07-26 1:48 AM
@Community member Dear TJ, thanks for your comment ... Sorry for my late reply; there were some maintenance actions on this forum so I missed your item. I tried however ABOM some time ago but there was no difference. Also, all examples I found so far have ABOM disabled.
2018-07-26 1:49 AM
@brucegong Thanks for your replies, although I cannot read chinese so cannot read anything from it. ST said they will look into this problem, so I hope for a reply.