2012-05-14 04:34 AM
I want to boot my stm32 discovery board (STM32L152RBT6) using usart. I have tried going into system memory boot mode by putting BOOT0=HIGH and BOOT1=LOW. Then i tried to send my .BIN file using hyperterminal (Nothing happens). I also tried Flash loader utility by ST(It hangs on detecting the target).
I also read some data sheets about In Application Programming. I downloaded the IAP firmware, and burnt it, but nothing appears on hyperterminal maybe because usart might have some different configurations set on it.
I just want to program my flash memory of stm32 discovery board using usart. Please help! After i boot into system memory ,whats next?
#activation-internal-bootloader #stm32-discovery2012-05-14 04:57 AM
After i boot into system memory, whats next?
Not hyperterminal. The system loader needs to use the ST Flash Loader Demonstrator program, which includes source code. There is also a manual which describes the protocol used, and it is not compatible with hyperterminal or Y-Modem. As I recall you can see if it works by sending 0x7F using 8E1 (8-Bit, Even Parity, One Stop), it uses this pattern to measure the baud rate, and responds with a 0x792012-05-14 05:26 AM
Thanks a lot clive,
I just had a simple problem. Actually i was using 2.1 version of flash loader that did not supported stm32l1xxx. Downloading ver 2.5 solved the problem. :)