2021-02-19 6:05 PM
2021-02-19 6:33 PM
HI ST Team:
I use the NUCLEO-G071RB board to debug the UCPD function, STM32CubeMX version 6.1.1 ,
STM32CubeMonitor UCPD version 1.1.1
As the NUCLEO-G071RB have ST-Link embeded,
so i use the UART2 as TRACE_EMB source, i config the UART2 as 921600bps UART2_TX DMA enabled, Also ,i configured the TRACE_EMB GUI_INTERFACE, but the STM32CubeMonitor-UCPD can only receive one message USBPPD_CAD_STATE_DETACHED after G071 reset.
the STM32CubeMonitor-UCPD don't receive other message anymore.
i debug the function void USBPD_TRACE_Add(TRACE_EVENT Type, uint8_t PortNum, uint8_t Sop, uint8_t *Ptr, uint32_t Size)
when reset ,there are many message sent to USBPD_TRACE_Add,but only the first message can be sent out to uart.
the other message can't be send out because of the function TRACER_EMB_SendData , int the function the TracerContext.Counter is 1 after the first message sent,so other message can't be send out.
all reason of this is because the USART2_IRQHandler not run after the first trace message have been sent out,but this irq
is enabled, i dont know why the USART2_IRQHandler not run!
i also test not use the NUCLEO-G071RB ST-LINK virtual com port uart2, use the UART4, but the result is the same.
i attached the stm32g071rb project ,please help to find why the usbpd message can't be sent out to STM32CubeMonitor.
thanks very much!
2021-02-19 6:35 PM