2015-01-30 6:51 AM
I've been trying to use the new F4 HAL libraries for a project on the STM32F427II I realize that this will involve a lot of C to C++ integration. My first issue is with the two enum typedefs in @file stm32f4xx_hal_def.htypedef enum
{ HAL_OK = 0x00, HAL_ERROR = 0x01, HAL_BUSY = 0x02, HAL_TIMEOUT = 0x03 } HAL_StatusTypeDef; &sharpendif /** * @brief HAL Lock structures definition */ typedef enum { HAL_UNLOCKED = 0x00, HAL_LOCKED = 0x01 } HAL_LockTypeDef; These are picked up correctly in an eclipse GCC C project but not in a C++ project. The message is 'HAL_LockTypeDef 'does not name a type. There are about 500 such messages. Any ideas as to how to go about either getting the C typedef to be in scope of C++, or of creating something like&sharpifdef __cplusplus
//enum HAL_StatusTypeDef { HAL_OK, HAL_ERROR, HAL_BUSY, HAL_TIMEOUT } ; enum class HAL_StatusTypeDef { HAL_OK, HAL_ERROR, HAL_BUSY, HAL_TIMEOUT } ; // typedef enum { HAL_OK, HAL_ERROR, HAL_BUSY, HAL_TIMEOUT } HAL_StatusTypeDef; &sharpelse typedef enum { HAL_OK = 0x00, HAL_ERROR = 0x01, HAL_BUSY = 0x02, HAL_TIMEOUT = 0x03 } HAL_StatusTypeDef; &sharpendif I am not sure how to get rid of this error. I know STMCube has support of C++ but i am unable to use. Any pointer would really be appreciated. #stm32 #- #stm32cube #c++ #c++-hal-typedef-gcc2015-02-01 11:52 PM
Hi Dheeraj,
Which STM32CubeF4 HAL drivers version are you using ?Please download the latest version, where the HAL drivers are updated to be C++ compliant.Regards,Heisenberg.2015-02-03 6:42 AM