2025-03-12 9:59 AM
I am using the evaluation board stm32743
And testing the firmware that include freeartos and ethernet
If enabled the "check_for_stack_overflow" in cubeMx freeartos this will result
in vApplicationStackOverflowhook to inhabit.
checking sp register when the firmware start(at main) shows that sp = 0x2407ffe8.
Once the start and reaches to the first task and the only one the stack pointer sp reigster = 0x24005af0
and on the next step vApplicationStackOverflowhook inhabit.
for some reason the stack uses a lot of memory right from the start of the first task
2025-03-12 11:29 AM
Each task has its own stack - separate from the stack that is used for main(). If FreeRTOS is calling the stack overflow hook, then you need to increase the size of your stack for that task. The CubeMX default task size is WAY too small for anything running Ethernet stacks.
2025-03-12 12:37 PM
HI BOb thank you for your replay
I found the problem when I found that the semaphore handle, which is a part of freeartos
was erased by the stack overflow, so it is not a problem of defining the stack size of each task
it is a problem of freeartos