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Sampling Problem when Using ADCs and USB at the same time @STM32G474

Associate III

Dear ST-community,

in my project I am trying to sample with 4 timer-triggered ADCs simultaneously, what works quite well. Afterwards I am transmitting the data via USB to the PC. As long as I store the data in a buffer and transmit it after the measurement, everything works fine. The Problem arises if the data is transmitted immediatly after the sampling, so if I want to stream the data to the host. If I do this in debug-mode, I receive about 100-400 samples, than the measurement stops. In normal-mode the measurement often doesn't even start. The debugger stops than before the while-loop where I wait for the ADC-Callback to be called.

I think it must be something to do with the USB-Interface since without the transmitting function the measurement doesn't stop. Before USB I used Uart where the TX-Cplt-Callback could be used, but now there is no such possibility.

Does anybody know what the problem is and how to solve this?

Thank you a lot in advance!

Best regards


How are you sampling and storing data? Is the ADC overrunning?

What does it mean when the measurements "stops"? Where in your code is it waiting?

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Associate III

The sampled data is stored in the DMA. And after one sample all four ADCS are stoped in the ADC-Callback.

The code stops than before the while-loop where I am waiting for the ADC-running-flag to be cleared. This means at some point the ADC-Callbacks aren't called anymore. Can anyone imagine what USB has to do with that?

It stops before this code:

		while(measurement_status) {

The callback looks like this:

void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *AdcHandle)
	ADC_HandleTypeDef** adc_p = get_adc();
	HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop(get_adc_timer(), HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER);
	measurement_status = 0;
	gpio_set_output(get_red_led(), 0);

Really appreciate your help