2023-10-12 3:01 AM
Hi All,
I have recently joined a new company and I currently responsible for the Firmware design on a new product that has been externally advised that it should be rated as Class C, with regards the following standards (IEC-60730 and IEC-60335). The main and only processor on the Safety Board in question is an STM32G0C1.
Being new to this level of code complexity, where Class C as far as I can see and correct me if I am wrong is basically equivalent to the SIL - 3 standard. My main goal is to try and achieve compliance with the existing one processor design.
At the moment from my research ST can provide me with Class B safety libraries, but I was hoping to fill in the gaps, with a mixture of hardware and software elements. I am aware that the STM32G0 series has ECC protected Flash, so that is a plus, along with hardware CRC for memory integrity and dual watchdogs etc.
However I am currently unsure how I can comply with the address decoding section, which means testing the instruction set, along with other criteria, that is additional to Class B.
So I was hoping to get some much appreciated advice from any Engineers out there that have managed to achieve this compliance standard with a similar processor on its own.
My research options at the moment are telling me that I really need two processors both running the Class B libraries that check each other to really get me over the line. Unless you guys know different...fingers crossed.
Thanks in advance!
2023-10-20 1:32 AM
I can confirm your last research, dual channel (I suggest diverse one) is only serious solution here. There should be a good reason if Class C is required and you need to stop playing with children toys and apply highly reliable work with explosive guns instead. A fault here can have grave consequences. Let imagine that life of your children is dependent on proper running of such an appli... Single standard industrial micro like STM32 can never achieve the stringent requirements for all the modules at this level (see e.g. component 5 of Table R2 of 60335 - no internal bus redundancy is supported by STM32 HW!!!). Any claim that it could be possible I would put equal to "I need no medicine specialist, I can solve whatever problem of my body by myself...
Best regards,
Best regards,