2022-07-16 11:24 PM
I want to know whether STM32H7B3IIK6Q can be configured as an USB communications class RNDIS devices, so it can communicate with an network device, it is TCP/IP over USB.
If it support, how can I get start with my design, is there any application notes for this?
If not support, how can I choose a STM32 which support RNDIS, please give me a list to check the MCUs which support RNDIS.
Thank you.
2022-07-17 1:09 AM
USB classes are a software feature, not hardware. Therefore any MCU with a USB interface can do it.
2022-07-19 1:14 AM
The RNDIS class is provided with STM32Cube.
You can find it under ...\STM32Cube\Repository\<Your H7 library and version>\Middlewares\ST\STM32_USB_Device_Library\Class\CDC_RNDIS.
A good starting point would be a CDC virtual serial port project, then modify it to the RNDIS structures und modules. The basic structure and calls are pretty similar.
Documentation for the RNDIS class (and all others) is here wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/Introduction_to_USB_with_STM32#CDC_Remote_Network_Driver_Interface_Specification_-28RNDIS-29_Sublass.