2019-06-03 1:07 AM
Hello, I have a question related to the reserved bits (generally to all of them). For example lets disscus specification of STM32F429 MCU from the RM0090:
Register TIMx_SR1 (of TIM2 to TIM5 for example) has specified bits 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 as reserved. These bits should be kept at reset values. Function from LL drivers:
will write to SR register the value 0xFFFFFFFE. So it performs a write of '1' to mentioned above bits. Is it in conflict with RM specification?
Thank you.
2019-06-03 1:43 AM
Laxity in such issues is a hallmark of Cube Code.
Such code tends to fall flat on it's face when porting to a MCU where some bits are not anymore reserved.
2019-06-03 7:00 AM
On the other hand, with this type of register ("write 0 to clear"), it would make more sense (to me, anyway) to write 1's to those unused bits. For any other STM32 variant that implements some of those reserved bits (the STM32L433, for example), I would fully expect them to be implemented as the same type of but (i.e. "write 0 to clear"), in which case masking the value written to that register to make "reserved" bits zero would fail by unexpectedly clearing other status bits on this "other" CPU.
Perhaps this is more a documentation "copy/paste/didn't edit" kind of oversight. For registers where bits enable/disable various features, it makes sense to write 0's to reserved bits. For registers where bits are set to zero to clear a status flag, writing zeros to reserved bits makes less sense.
Not that I'm necessarily defending the quality of the Cube code...