2017-03-05 3:01 AM
In simply words:
I want to transfer data from PC via USB to STM32.
I want to (somehow?) recognize data - some data should be saved to uint8_t Data1[20], and other data to uint8_t Data2[20].
My question is:
- should I create two different VCP/CDC interfaces on stm32?
-should I create one VCP/CDC interface with multiple endpoints?
how to recognize data to put them in the correct uint8_t Data1/Data2 array?
#questions #stm32-vcp #usb-cdc #usb2017-03-05 3:37 AM
A short term implementation would be to use the baudrate control which has no meaning if talking to STM32 only.
Each baudrate control goes to a switch/case in the USB driver and could be used as a data flow mux, allowing more scalability.
Another way would be to implement the typical 'AT Command set' scheme used by connectivity modules
Or send 2 bytes per user data byte. The first byte being the mux index (1 or 2). This would work reversably too at the expense of a slower average bit rate.
Or dual VCP composite device (which I haven't experimented yet...) I guess having 2 COM ports would enable 2 teratem console to work seamlessly on the PC side?
I was told that 1 COM = 2 EP IN + 1 EP OUT. If no handshake needed = 1 EP IN + 1 EP OUT.