2015-03-15 6:32 PM
Hello everybody,
I'm new with USB devices and I want to develope a Virtual Com Port with STM32L151. I get a example named VirtualComport_loopback for IAR in the packet STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0.I have some questions about this example... 1) Archive usb_endp.cWhat is the aim of the function EP3_OUT_CallBack()?I tested the function , and saw what every char I received from the USB Host this function is called, where the char is saved in RAM memory, however always in the first position of the array Receive_Buffer[64]. Is it correct?2) Archive hw_config.cI didn't understand very well the function CDC_Receive_DATA()... inside of this function, there is a function SetEPRxValid(ENDP3), what's the objetive of this line?3) Others EPx_IN/OUT_CallBack functionsAbout the others EPx_IN/OUT_CallBack functions, what is the purpose of them?In the example VirtualComport_loopback, the FW use just the EP3_OUT_CallBack and EP1_IN_CallBack.Thank you very much. #cdc #stm32 #virtual-com-port #usb #vcp2015-03-30 2:40 AM
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