2019-05-16 01:03 AM
I'm having some problems to put working properly the I2C_EEPROM example on the STM32L152D-EVAL board (in this example I2C is used to communicate with M24C64 EEPROM). As in other example projects, I followed the steps as specified:
However, I'm not getting the expected result. The execution gets stuck after the "Transfer 1 Ongoing" LCD print line command. At this point I assumed that the I2C communication between MCU and EEPROM was not working, so I went to debug the code. But, what I didn't expect was that on sEE_Init() function the SPI interface is initialized, instead of I2C interface...
Why is that? Is it correct? If not, what do I have to do to put working properly the project?
*I've attached the project I'm using, is on the folder "..\STM32L152D-EVAL_EEPROM\Project\STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Templates\MDK-ARM"
Thanks in advance,