2014-11-21 6:58 AM
Hello, I'll be glad to recibe any help.
I've created a project for the NUCLEO-L152RE using STM32Cube (selecting the correct board) and then I've exported it to IAR-EWARM. When I run the project into the board, the MCU don't continue after the clock configuration. If I go step by step over the code, when the HSI clock is set, all stops.The configuration clock option was: HSI RC (16MHz) --> PLLCLK (x4 /2) --> SYSCLK (32MHz). All the other configurations by default.I'll appreciate any help! Thanks! #nucleo-l152re #stm32cube2015-02-04 9:03 AM
We can not reproduce your issue with MX 4.5 or MX 4.6. By adding the following code to the main while loop (simple LED blinking code), you can confirm the code is executing correctly. HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5); /* Insert delay 100 ms */ HAL_Delay(100);