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Positive response on jump from bootloader to application, but application is not started

Associate II

Many times, using serial communication at 115299 baud, when I jump from the bootloader to the application, although I receive a positive response, the application does not start (never reaches the main of the app).

I am using a STM32H755IIT and I have attached a screenshot of saleae record where I call the jump to app, after entering the bootloader and, as shown, although it responds positive, the app did not start. I have also debugged and when it does not start it also does not reach the "main()" of the app, so I suspect the app has no issues booting app.

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bii0WQAQ.pngAre there known issues on the bootloader (I am using version 3.1) or any tips on how to solve/found the cause?

The request in this case is:

0x21 0xDE => 0x79

0x08 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x09 => 0x79

Thank you!

ST Employee

Hello @João Patrício​ ,

Please have a look at AN2606 STM32H75xxx limitations on "STM32H74xxx/75xxx bootloader version"

Note that there is Jump issue on some application. Application stack pointer must be lower than (RAM end @ - 16 bytes) to guarantee it is working.

Check also this article that may help you: Jump to Bootloader from application on STM32H7 devices.


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Associate II

Hello @Imen DAHMEN​ thank you for your response.

I have checked and the stack pointer directly after a reset, for e.g., is 0x24041B28. This is far from the end of the RAM (which should be 0x24080000), so I don't think this is the issue...