2013-04-04 5:52 AM
I have a big problem. I'm trying to port an application I found for STM32F4 mcu to a STM32F107VC mcu. This application uses lwip for ethernet and FreeRTOS. I try a lot but cannot compile an application that runs. I work in Keil IDE. Could anyone help me in doing this? Sorry for my english. Thanks a lot. #lwip #freertos-lwip #stm32f10x2013-04-04 7:11 AM
Could anyone help me in doing this?
ST maintains a list of consultants and contractors. There have to be other examples of Ethernet, LwIP, FreeRTOS that work with the F107, start with those, and port in your application code.
2013-04-04 9:09 AM
''ST maintains a list of consultants and contractors''