2019-04-16 5:43 AM
I want to port sqlite in STM H7 MCU. Database will reside in SD Card (FATFS). Is there any example available for this??
2019-04-16 7:35 AM
There are many FatFs examples that you can refer to:
You have just to know how to integrate your embedded Database in odrer to use the FatFs APIs.
2019-11-02 1:43 AM
I have spent tens of hours trying to get various versions of sqLite to just compile with a freeRTOS/fatfs file sytem with the H7 with no result at all. I never got to the stage of running the thing. The sytem is a mess with no deent documentation or examples.
The idea that a humble applications programmer can integrate sqLIte into such a system by knowing how to integrate an embedded DB with freeRTOSand fatfs is what the problem is. It's about time Amazon, ST and Mr Chan got off their backsides and developed porting for sqLite/freeRTOS/fatfs that is accessible to the average apps programmer.
A H7 processor has a megabyte of RAM and running C code rather than spaghetti code, (Java, C++, Python) is quite capable.
I don't intend to use Linux for my operating system. As a real-time programmer I want to use an operating system that doesn't run around in circles trying to work out what to do next, which requires four processors with 8 G of RAM running at 3 GHz and which requires a masters degree in computer science to gather a bit of data and store it in an efficient way on an SD Card or thumb key. And which version of Linux would I use? So many to choose from.
Do you get my drift?
2019-11-15 5:04 AM
ARM's LittleFS will very likely please you more; eg. the life of your SD-card will be longer and the file system is a bit quicker and a little more modern.