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Pin Remapping Confusion


I am using the STM32G071. My first board is built on the G071G8UxN. This is a 28-pin version.

UCPD1_DBCC2 on pin 14 PB0
UCPD1_DBCC2 is also on PA10 but that's not connected on the 28-pin version. However, you can remap and replace PA12(pin 19) with PA10.  I did do that in order to use the USART1. Now my pin 19 has PA10 on it which presents USART1_RX but also a second UCPD1_DBCC2.

This does not seem correct but I can't find anything that says the UCPD1_DBCC2 from PA10 is not relevant on the 28 pin version. What's the answer here?


Now I am planning to use the 48 pin version and am confused about if UCPD1_DBCC2 will move when I reassign PA10 to pin 34!? For the 28-pin board I treated it like it did not move simply because I did not notice. I haven't tested if the feature actually works or not.
Actually, you can't remap this feature because it is in effect when the MCU is powered off and remapping is something that happens at runtime.

So then, if I remap PA10 to the PA12 location, what remains in the PA10 location? only the UCPD1_DBCC2? and the GPIO maybe?