2020-12-16 11:26 PM
I'm using the P-L496-CELL02 development kit and I'm running a POC in order to demonstrate a potential customer the performance and stability of the L496+Quectel+ST cellular library.
For that I created based on the X-CUBE-AWS 1.4.1 pack an MQTT application that preform a simple continues communication with AWS device shadow.
The demo application worked as expected with my local operator SIM and then I installed it on a remote location (in the US) where the target system should run.
I started to experience unexpected system restarts after 30 minutes of operation without any previously errors in the log (As this is located on a remote site I only have limited access to the device).
To remove any doubts regarding my test application I installed the "out of the box" demonstration binary from the X-CUBE-CELLULAR 5.1 (DiscoL496_RD_BG96v2_STMOD) and run it on the remote site, and I'm experience the same resets as on my test application.
On my local setup I see no problems and the only obvious difference is the cellular operator.
I can see that on the remote site the SIM is registered as a roamer and the network is EDGE GSM while on my local network the system is registered as CAT-M1 LTE.
Any idea what could be the problem or how I can identify the cause of it?
2020-12-17 6:24 AM
May be the network try to attach to Cat M after 30mn.
First get information from the NMO (Cat M used bands and set bands in the modem to reduce selection time).
For this the UM Getting started chap 5 could help you.
Select only Cat M and the used bands of the NMO you have issue with.
Let us know the result.