2021-11-18 4:54 PM
TX_MEMSET(data_buffer, '\0', sizeof(data_buffer));
/* allocate the packet to send over the TCP socket */
ret = nx_packet_allocate(&AppPool, &data_packet, NX_IPv4_TCP_PACKET, TX_WAIT_FOREVER);
if (ret != NX_SUCCESS)
/* append the message to send into the packet */
ret = nx_packet_data_append(data_packet, (VOID *)data_buffer, sizeof(data_buffer), &AppPool, TX_WAIT_FOREVER);
if (ret != NX_SUCCESS)
// nx_packet_release(data_packet);
ret = nx_tcp_socket_send(&TCPSocket, data_packet, 30000 );
if (ret != NX_SUCCESS)
printf("tcp send error:%#x\r\n",ret);
i want send TCP data continuously in a while ;
but this is a problem; Error message after sending 5 data;errcode is 0x38 ;But I'm sure the Internet is good;
so i check code i find ;
HAL_ETH_Transmit_IT -- > ETH_Prepare_Tx_Descriptors return HAL_ETH_ERROR_BUSY;
if((READ_BIT(dmatxdesc->DESC3, ETH_DMATXNDESCWBF_OWN) == ETH_DMATXNDESCWBF_OWN) || (dmatxdesclist->PacketAddress[descidx] != NULL))
so How to solve this problem?
2021-11-18 5:35 PM
>so How to solve this problem?
Increasing your number of tx dma descriptors will help a bit.
If the app sends packets faster than they can be transmitted, your driver needs to push back (block) or drop.
>i want send TCP data continuously in a while ;
It may look like in the app. But TCP guarantees in-order delivery and to do that it waits for an ACK to each segment it's sent and retries etc. The more and the faster you send, the more buffers it needs, and again, like with the DMA descriptors, when those run out, the app can't expect to send more.
2024-10-02 9:30 AM
how to check how many descriptors are available? is there such a function?
2024-10-03 2:14 AM
The app probably shouldn't try to monitor how many Tx DMA Descriptors are available. This ticket's about TCP, so that being the case, the TCP stack is already monitoring the round-trip time for sends to and the acknowledges from the other end, and for the other end's capacity to receive data before it sends.
These are some ideas...
2024-10-03 1:22 PM
UINT nx_tcp_socket_queue_depth_notify_set(NX_TCP_SOCKET *socket_ptr, VOID(*tcp_socket_queue_depth_notify)(NX_TCP_SOCKET *));
This service sets the transmit queue depth update notify function specified by the application, which iscalled whenever the specified socket determines that it has released packets from the transmit queue such that the queue depth is no longer exceeding its limit. If an application would be blocked on transmit due to queue depth,the callback function serves as a notification to the application that itmay start transmitting again. This service is available only if the NetXDuo library is built with the option NX_ENABLE_TCP_QUEUE_DEPTH_UPDATE_NOTIFYdefined.
2024-10-03 6:47 PM
Yes that's a good strategy to schedule sends so the max number of buffers queued to send is low, and so you don't need more buffers than necessary, conserving memory.