2017-09-06 8:24 AM
Why does the default code hang on DHCP response?
Took a while to sift through the STM32cubeMX autogenerated code. Writing a question here to make it searchable and findable by others.
When turning on all the relavant options and sorting out a normal/default code base to begin a project, the project just hangs.
#stm32f207 #nucleo #lwip #dhcp2017-09-06 8:28 AM
Replying to my own question to answer for others:
in the file 'FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3/port.c' there's a function call to configASSERT within the vPortValidateInterruptPriority function..
It's supposed to check whether the uCurrentPriority is <= ucMaxSysCallPriority, however the comparison operatior is backwards.
Change this from >= to <= and the program will work as normal.
2018-06-15 1:09 PM
Adding for visibility. I don't know the answer to your question, however I do know you need to make sure that RMII_TX_EN and RMII_TXD0 are configured to PG11 and PG13 respectively. CubeMX (v4.26 Cube v1.0 on Ubuntu Linux) configures them to the wrong pins. Already makes me wish we'd gone with Processor Expert.