2014-11-03 07:33 AM
I have a board Nucleo-F103RB. I cut a usb cable and connect:D+ to PA11 D- to PA12 GND to GND pin in morpho headers VCC to E5V pin in morpho headersI am using the libraries. STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0. And i want make a HID dvice so I copi the source code to my IAR proyectI use this functions in main function. Set_System(); USB_Interrupts_Config(); Set_USBClock(); USB_Init(); while (1) { }But it don't make nothing the PC don't recogCompile and execute but it don't make nothing the PC does not identify the a new device connected.What am I making bad?I must instal first the PC driver?Where can i find a example code?Some one can help me?Best regards #stm32f103rb #usb #usb #stm32f1032014-11-05 08:45 AM
''I measured with the oscilloscope the crystal signals and i saw that the Crystal is not right.''
Measuring on the crystal will disturb the circuit. The capacitance of the scope probe may affect the freq. Best to use the OSCOut pit to measure the CPU oscillation, check the datasheet for which pin this is.2014-11-05 09:26 AM
I am making probes and i see that the codee stop in:startup_stm32f10x_md.s
B USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler <--- This line
SECTION .text:CODE:REORDER:NOROOT(1)So... I create a USB.C and USB.H file where I put the next funtionsvoid USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler(void)
OutStringUART_PC(''USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler \r\n'');
void USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler(void)
OutStringUART_PC(''USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler \r\n'');
void USBWakeUp_IRQHandler(void)
OutStringUART_PC(''USBWakeUp_IRQHandler \r\n'');
void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void)
OutStringUART_PC(''EXTI9_5_IRQHandler \r\n'');
}I open a hiperterminal and I only view
EXTI9_5_IRQHandlerWhat I must make???This interrupt is the USB cable detection???Best regards.
2014-11-06 12:23 AM
Oh!! my god..I have stupid errorI forgot include the stm32_it.c.I include it and I modificate because it is in collision with stm32f1xx itAnd now is all rightBest regards