2021-08-24 10:09 AM
Hi, I am trying to get a working demo up for the Zephyr OS on your Nucleo-F091RC
but having trouble. See attached for description, I get this error -
"Error: open failed
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: /home/jmreina/zephyr-sdk-0.13.0/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/openocd -s /home/jmreina/zephyrproject/zephyr/boards/arm/nucleo_f091rc/support -s /home/jmreina/zephyr-sdk-0.13.0/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/share/openocd/scripts -f /home/jmreina/zephyrproject/zephyr/boards/arm/nucleo_f091rc/support/openocd.cfg -c init -c targets -c 'reset halt' -c 'flash write_image erase /home/jmreina/zephyrproject/zephyr/build/zephyr/zephyr.hex' -c 'reset halt' -c 'verify_image /home/jmreina/zephyrproject/zephyr/build/zephyr/zephyr.hex' -c 'reset run' -c shutdown"
Seems simple to fix but I am stuck, how do I get this blinky demo to run on my Nucleo? :thinking_face:
2021-08-25 7:42 AM
Hi Justin,
I just had a try and I can flash Nucleo-F091RC as expected on my side.
I'd suggest trying to flash with STM32CubeProgrammer (using GUI).
Also, updating ST-Link FW version also help sometimes (could also be done using STM32CubeProgrammer)