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Not able to jump from internal memory boot code to QSPI external memory application code.

Associate III

I am working on NUCLEO-H563ZI evaluation board interfacing with QSPI external memory. I have done below steps,

I am able to do read and write.

I have created the external loader file.

I am able to run application code in external memory with debugger support.

Now i am trying to run application code from external memory with bootloader code but i am always ending up with code crash. Could anybody give a clue how to debug this issue?


Note: I have flashed the application code in external memory using cube programmer with external loader.

         I have enabled the memory mapped mode in boot up code and able to see the app code in Ext memory.

          I have written jump code like below and changed linker script also,


/* Disable Systick interrupt */

SysTick->CTRL = 0;


/* Jump to application */

jumpToApplication = (pFunction)(*(__IO uint32_t*)(APPLICATION_ADDRESS + 4));

__set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*)APPLICATION_ADDRESS);





Are you sure? HEX is most preffered format and Cubeprogrammer support it normal.

yeah, it works. I always used to download .bin file using cube programmer with start address. I didn't know that if I choose .hex file, it will disable the start address tab but can download the .hex file. Thanks for your entire team support. I am happy to work with your team support.