2017-02-10 12:19 AM
Hi All,
I am evaluating the STM32f4 discovery board. I want to implement the USB mass storage functionality.I interfaced the SD card using the SDIO 1-bit mode.But, I want to share SD card's data in the PC use of USB Mass storage option.
Please help to make it happen.
I need some reference code or document for the same.
Please let me know if you need more information from our side,
Parth Modi
#stm32f407vgt6 #usb_otg_fs #stm32f4-discovery #sd-as-usb-mass-storage2017-02-10 8:24 AM
I have moved your question to the
‌ where someone should be able to assist you.Thanks
2017-02-10 8:43 AM
This is a topic area I've covered a lot on the forum
This is some example code for the STM32F4-DISCO posted about 70% down this thread
2017-02-10 11:47 PM
Hi Clive one,
Thanks for quick response.
I check your suggested post.But I find reference code's download link is expired.
So, can you share the working download link for the same?
Parth Modi
2017-02-11 6:48 AM
Hi Parth. The download is working for me. The same URL is reposted here:
Does this download URL work for you ?
2017-02-11 9:34 AM
Works for me, it's the one in this specific post
2017-02-14 12:48 AM
Hi Clive one,
Thanks for link.I tried your suggested example code and i get the USB mass storage drive on the host's PC. But this drive contain the 0 byte space. I used 1-bit sdio interface for interfacing SD CARD.SD card's capacity is 16GB. I am use the IAR as Development tool.
I found this code based on the standard peripheral library. But,I need the USB MSC device sample code with the HAL
Please Share me the working example code with the HAL
.I work for company. So, Can you share the technical support details for the same.?
Parth Modi
2017-02-14 1:18 AM
You'd have to modify code so it doesn't switch to 4-bit mode, and uses the right card detect pin.
I'm not using IAR or HAL, you could try using CubeMX to generate your code.
What technical support details are you seeking? Is your company looking to contract support?
2017-02-14 1:41 AM
,I suggest you to try the
example that you can find in the firmware package:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0\Projects\STM32469I-Discovery\Applications\USB_Device\MSC_Standalone
Best Regards
2017-02-14 3:51 AM
Clive One
.What technical support details are you seeking? Is your company looking to contract support?
I need technical assistance for USB Mass Storage device functionality.