2022-01-13 7:40 AM
Hi everyone,
I need to run a MQTT broker on my board powered by a STM32F746. I managed to get the LwIP stack running properly as a starting point. I verified this by sending and receiving topics with the provided MQTT client implementation of LwIP.
LwIP and FreeRTOS unfortunately only provide libs/apps for MQTT Clients.
Unfortunately I can't find a library or similar for a broker in the web and I would like to avoid reinventing the wheel and implement it all by myself. Does anybody know a MQTT broker implementation which I could use (does not even need to be free of charge)? I don't even need the whole feature set of MQTT, a most basic implementation would be sufficient as a starting point.
Thanks for your help!
2022-01-13 9:32 AM
try to port some Arduino lib (for example ESP32), they use FreeRTOS and lwIP
2022-01-16 10:07 PM
Thanks for the advice!