2018-06-21 07:53 AM
I have a problem using the LwIP
If I have a project where there is only the LwIP, everything works.
MX_LWIP_Init(); httpd_init(); myCGIinit(); while (1) { MX_LWIP_Process();}
If I add something else (as a QSPI or SDMMC or Touch Screen...) the ETH stops working: in particular, the link is always down, since in function MX_LWIP_Init(), the condition
if (netif_is_link_up(&gnetif))
is always false..
Why does this happen?? Is there anything wrong with the code generated by CubeMX?
Thank you all!
#lwip #eth #stm32f7 #discovery2018-06-21 08:17 AM
UPDATE: the main problem is in function HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth), called by MX_LWIP_Process();
This function never returns HAL_OK.. so the board cannot be reached via Ethernet!