2021-02-25 4:58 PM
2021-02-26 3:04 AM
Hello @승양.1 and welcome to the STM32 Community =)
There is a large selection of STM32 microcontrollers which may answer your request.
I advise you to use the ST-MCU-FINDER tool (integrated also in STM32CubeMX) that allows an easy search of MCU with multiple criteria to ensure the selection of the right MCU.
2021-02-26 5:50 AM
Note that Audio over BLE is a pretty recent addition to the Bluetooth specs - are there many (any?) phone which support it yet?
" As far as I know, I need (sic) to use I2S to use audio output"
You don't need to - there are plenty of other ways to transport audio.
"can I know an example or something to refer to?"
putting "st ble audio" into google, the very first hit is: