2018-10-05 1:55 AM
I am trying to integrate ESP8266 wifi module with microcontroller ( STM32F429IGT). wifi module (ESP8266) is not responding. when I send the AT command i am receiving the same AT command which I sent instead of getting response message.
Please help me with this issue
2018-10-05 1:18 PM
Try talking to it through a terminal program. Once you know you have a working module, try it on the stm32.
Attach a cro or a logic analyser to see what is actually passing between the two devices. Your stm32 code might not be correctly receiving/parsing the modules strings
2018-10-06 8:02 AM
"when I send the AT command i am receiving the same AT command which I sent"
Sounds like you have ECHO enabled on the ESP - if this is not what you want, then turn it off.
2018-10-07 5:09 AM
I use ESP-01. When want to setup brand new module:
For the basic tests use the terminal emulator, set in terminal option to have the mentioned parameters and CRLF as line terminators.
HEre you have mimicom examples:
sudo picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 --omap crcrlf --emap crcrlf picocom v2.2
port is : /dev/ttyUSB0
flowcontrol : none
baudrate is : 115200
parity is : none
databits are : 8
stopbits are : 1
escape is : C-a
local echo is : no
noinit is : no
noreset is : no
nolock is : no
send_cmd is : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E
imap is :
omap is : crcrlf,
emap is : crcrlf,
Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
2018-10-07 5:11 AM
Don't forget about wiring (but I believe that you problem is related to wrong suffix: lack of CRLF:
VCC 3.0-3.6V(6-220mA)
RESET I External reset signal (Low voltage level: Active)
CH_PD(EN) I Chip Enable. High(3.6V): On, chip works properly; Low: Off, small current. Should be HI to enable chip.
GPIO0(FLASH) I/O General purpose IO, If low while reset/power on takes chip into serial programming mode (NORMALLY NOT CONNECTED)
GPIO1(TX) I/O General purpose IO and Serial TXd
GPIO3(RX) I/O General purpose IO and Serial RXd
2018-10-09 10:46 AM
Dear Bogdan Golab,
Thanks for your information we have successfully connected the WIFI module (ESP8266) with our controller ( STM32F429IGT). AT commands are responding except AT+CWJAP. When I tried to connect the module with my WIFI router i am getting some boot error message. I have attached the image for reference please have a look.
My wifi module is AT version
SDK version 2.0.0
Please help me to overcome this issue.
2018-10-29 12:18 PM
I am sorry for delayed reply ( I am not a heavy user of this community nowdays).
Looks like a firmware error (crash or something like this). Try to google this error or/and upgrade the firmware if possible.
2018-11-14 1:47 AM
Hello Andrew Neil,
I have successfully integrated the wifi module with my controller but now I a facing a problem in sending and receiving the data through Cloudmqtt. Here I have attached the code which I am using for your reference
When I tried to publish a data to Cloudmqtt using CIPSEND command it is showing NO TAIL, Error
Can you help me with this.?
2018-11-14 1:56 AM
Hello Bogdan Golab,
I have successfully integrated the wifi module with my controller but now I a facing a problem in sending and receiving the data from UART to Cloudmqtt through ESP8266. Here I have attached the code which I am using for your reference
When I tried to publish a data to Cloudmqtt using CIPSEND command it is showing NO TAIL, Error
Can you help me with this.?
2018-11-14 2:50 AM
No: the command terminator is just CR - not CRLF.
(the extra LF shouldn't actually hurt - but it is not necessary).