2019-03-11 4:24 AM
i have project code when i compile it shows identifier is undefined
But i have included the path keil linker options and included header file also, i don't know why it shows like this.
when i click the definition of VL53L0A1_GPIO1_R_INTx it doesn't go to definition part.But the definition is written in the code.
Help me please.
my error:
..\..\Drivers\BSP\X-NUCLEO-53L0A1\X-NUCLEO-53L0A1.c(532): error: #20: identifier "VL53L0A1_GPIO1_R_INTx" is undefined
thank you in advance.
2019-03-11 4:27 AM
> when i click the definition of VL53L0A1_GPIO1_R_INTx it doesn't go to definition part.But the definition is written in the code.
What exactly do you talk about ?
Working with an Eclipse toolchain?
Mind you, what the parser sees is not necessary what the compiler sees.
2019-03-11 4:41 AM
I am working in keil
2019-03-11 4:52 AM
So project perhaps lacks required command line defines, or include paths.
Lacks required include files.
Doesn't flag appropriate modules in stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h or equivalent.
2019-03-11 5:00 AM
i have included the path of that file.
2019-03-11 5:11 AM
That was not the point.
If you e.g. place an "#error" preprocessor directive in the line above your definition of "VL53L0A1_GPIO1_R_INTx", does the build throw this # error ?
2019-03-11 5:24 AM
actually these file is working when the target is change to STM32F401RE.But now i working with STM32F429I
2019-03-11 5:54 AM
Sounds like you tried to change the target of your Cube/HAL application on the fly.
With such a delicate code generator like Cube, I would rather suggest to create a new project for the F429 target, and copy your added code.