2021-10-15 9:00 AM
It keeps sending itself at commands and not connecting to the network.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-03-14 8:00 AM
Hi @ARodr.17,
Do you want to develop your own firmware to send AT command to the Modem? The example provided with tcp_echo_client is relying on X-CUBE-CELLULAR framework to send AT commands to the Modem. You do not need to know which AT command to use because X-CUBE-CELLULAR does it for you. In case you want to develop your own firmware to send AT commands to Modem and parses the response then you need to use a dedicated framework. Let us know what is your target and objective to help you better.
Best Regards
2023-03-14 8:55 AM
Hi @S.RA ,
Thank you for the quick response. We (our company) have bought the B-L462E-CELL1 board yesterday and I am just studiyng it.
Answering your question, I don't need to develop a dedicated framework to send AT commands, right now I'm just trying to configure the module to work in 2G (because we want to know the location of the emnify SIM that we are using). From what I've understood, the function CELLULAR_init() in cellular_service.c is called somwhere in the example (I don't know where) and this is the one that configures the module (I could be very wrong about that, let me know). For now if you can help me to edit the tcp_echo_client example and get the Modem to work in 2G it will be great. Sorry for the basic questions.
Thank you,
Andres Rodriguez
2023-03-29 1:42 AM
Dear Andres,
This products works only on LTE-M or NB-IoT network and does not support 2G. Were you able to connect to enable the Truphone SIM subscription to test the "default" binary that is programmed in the device?
Best Regards
2023-04-05 5:18 AM
Dear @S.RA,
Thank you for answering, Yes I was able to connect the Truphone SIM and test the default binary.
Now I am trying to do something like this https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001UYHqwSAH/sending-http-post-message-to-server-with-bl462ecell1
I've seen that inside STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V7.0.0\Middlewares\ST\netxduo\samples there is an demo_netxduo_https example, I'll try that but I still do not understand how the module is programmed in order to make changes in the code.
Best Regards