2020-04-07 3:12 AM
I arrange 3 main advantage for using the HAL rountines compared with direct memory access.
Is that three advantage is correct thus i able to continue my explaination for HAL.
Thanks anyone helip me in advance!
2020-04-08 12:56 AM
Holy god of incompetence! The "expert" explaining integers, but not understanding the basics himself. I always thought that Beningo is just a Cube clicker pretending of making quality code, but this is even worse. ST should hire him into their HAL team - he would nicely fit in with their blatantly incompetent code-monkeys.
P.S. Even the number 32,676 is wrong because of carelessness... (It was meant to be 32,767).
2020-04-09 4:20 AM
By using HAL i no need to find out the allocation of every pin thats why i though HAL is faster than direct access.
By using HAL I able to direct read, write and toggle that why is i think it is more easy to remeber the function.
Those are the reason are base from i "thoughts".
Thanks for your comments!
2020-04-09 5:06 AM
> By using HAL i no need to find out the allocation of every pin thats why i though HAL is faster than direct access.
There is no HAL function that helps to find out possible pin allocations.
There is a pinout editor in STM32CubeMX doing that. Of course the resulting pinout can be used in any program with or without HAL.
> By using HAL I able to direct read, write and toggle that why is i think it is more easy to remeber the function.
Calling HAL_GPIO_TogglePin results in calling one of two different, incompatible functions depending on the HAL version.
One of them can mess up unrelated pins when interrupted.
The other one messes up when more than one pin is toggled, which is explicitly allowed in the function documentation.
The only thing which is easy to remember about HAL functions is to avoid them whenever possible.