2018-11-17 6:15 PM
I am using the ADC on an stmf030 nucleo board
I am having trouble with controlling the interrupts.
I am scanning two channels, have eoc & eos enabled to cause an interrupt
I am using software trigger.
My main issue is:
The ADC ISR keeps firing away without waiting for a trigger. This was
confirmed using a counter in the ISR that increments each time the routine is run.
Software trigger was confirmed by the function LL_ADC_REG_GetTriggerSource(ADC1).
Intially I trigger the ADC in an init routine to get the first conversion started.
Anyone have any ideas, I've spent a lot of time with this, and I should of figured it out by now.
2018-11-18 12:19 AM
Read out the ADC registers and check then whether they are set as you expect them to be.
2018-11-18 7:05 AM
I wish it was that easy : )
As long as EOC interrupt is enabled EOCIE=1 the ADC keeps converting. Supposed to stop converting after the sequence is done so I really don't know what's going on here. I am converting the two internal channels, temperature and Vref.
The only way to stop the interrupts from happening is to disable the eoc, eos interrupts in the Interrupt Enable Register. EXTEN[2:0] =0 so no external triggers and EXTSEL[2:0] =0 so only software triggering.
CONT = 0 single conversion. Weird, My embedded life.
2018-11-18 7:06 AM
BTW, how do I remove "McCarron Consulting" from my user name. Someone at ST must of been getting bored that day.