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How to tune azure netxduo to receive more incoming connections?

Associate III


I am using the stm32h563 processor in my project. I made a TCP Server application using the ethernet connections of this processor and I was able to run it as I wanted. But I saw that it could not connect to another client over the same IP address without breaking the connection with one client. Even though I set the NX_MAX_PHYSICAL_INTERFACES defined value to two, there was no change. Also, in the files I shared, it is said that we can make a tcp server and 2 tcp client connections and open a separate socket for each (1).


After some research, I realized that this problem can be solved with lwip + freertos. Below are examples of these solutions. How can I make a similar solution on Azure RTOS Netx side?
Our problem with lwip + freertos solved community issue(2) was previously shared and the solution was "By tweaking the options in lwipopts.h, it should be possible to receive more incoming connections: MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB, MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN, MEMP_NUM_NUM_NETCONN, etc... " was returned as ".

As a similar header you can see the extension(3) under the References header.



(1)Understand Azure RTOS NetX Duo | Microsoft Learn

(2)Solved: How to tune LwIP to receive more incoming connecti... - STMicroelectronics Community

(3) I hope to achieve one-to-many connections using TC... - STMicroelectronics Community


Best Regards

Eren Akyol

Associate III

Hello @STea ,

First of all, thank you very much for your help. In the example you provided, 2 different clients can connect to 2 different ports with the same IP. Actually, what I've been trying to explain from the beginning is that 2 different clients should be able to connect to a single port with the same IP. Do you have any suggestions for this?


Hello @Eakyo.1 ,

To allow multiple clients to connect to a single server port, you typically use a single listening socket that accepts incoming connections. Each accepted connection is then handled by a separate socket. This is a common pattern in TCP server design. is this what you are trying to do?

In that case you need to:

  1. Create a Listening Socket: This socket listens for incoming connection requests on the server port.

  2. Accept Connections: When a client attempts to connect, the server accepts the connection, which creates a new socket specifically for communicating with that client.

  3. Handle Client Communication: The server communicates with the client using the newly created socket. This communication is often handled in a separate thread or by using asynchronous I/O to allow the main listening socket to continue accepting new connections.

  4. Manage Multiple Connections: If you want to handle multiple connections simultaneously, you can create a new thread for each accepted connection, or you can use a select/poll mechanism to manage multiple sockets within the same thread.


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ST Employee

Hello  @Eakyo.1 ,

I've prepared a small template file app_netxduo.c from which I was able to send data with multiple clients on the same IP address and port.


Find attached the template File and confirm if this what you need to do.

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Hello @STea ,

Yes, this is exactly what I wanted. Thank you very much for your help.
