2024-02-28 9:42 AM
Hi all,
I am receiving date and time by CAN for my application, and not using the RTC functionality because I couldn't get it to work with LoRa.
Basically I receive day and month separately, and declare the year as a int. Same thing for the time, I receive hour, minutes and seconds separately.
Is there a way that I can join them into a timestamp variable?
2024-02-28 9:51 AM
>>Is there a way that I can join them into a timestamp variable?
Surely a relatively common math problem? Depends on the epoch you want to use and the resolution of time. You could look in the functions provided in time.h ?
mktime() ?
2024-02-28 9:56 AM
@FPicc.1 wrote:Is there a way that I can join them into a timestamp variable?
That gets complicated with having to cope with leap years, DST, etc - are you sure you really want to do that?
If you really must, look at mktime
2024-02-28 10:09 AM
Time in seconds could then be counted off in Systick_Handler() after counting 1000 milli-seconds in the 1 KHz ticker.
2024-02-28 10:09 AM
Saw this code at: https://os.mbed.com/questions/79859/How-can-I-convert-input-Date-Time-to-Uni/
time_t asUnixTime(int year, int mon, int mday, int hour, int min, int sec) { struct tm t; t.tm_year = year - 1900; t.tm_mon = mon - 1; // convert to 0 based month t.tm_mday = mday; t.tm_hour = hour; t.tm_min = min; t.tm_sec = sec; t.tm_isdst = -1; // Is Daylight saving time on? 1 = yes, 0 = no, -1 = unknown return mktime(&t); // returns seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 (begin of the Epoch) }
Could it work? Will test it later
2024-02-28 10:38 AM
Sure. That's using mktime - as I mentioned.
You'll have to check if it's implemented in the standard STM32 GCC release.
You'll still have to beware of DST ...
2024-02-28 2:47 PM
> in the standard STM32 GCC release
That's in the newlib library for ARM & ST toolchains and proprietary libraries for IAR, Keil etc.