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How do I put the original flash bootloader back onto a device if I've erased or corrupted it?

Michael Joya
Associate II

I'm not sure how I did it, but my Blue Pill STM32F103C8T6 doesn't respond to st-info --probe any more. This has happened twice in a row with identical devices. It seems that if I Ctrl-D out of GDB (an old bad habit) the device seems to brick itself and won't respond to programming or STLINK probes. I'm using an STLINK/V2 programmer attached to the SWIO/SWCLK pins.

I can still set the BOOT0 pin to boot the system ROM bootloader and get proper responses from the STLINK/V2 programmer. So, I'm wondering where I can download the original flash bootloader and what address I'd need to use with st-flash to flash it back onto the device so that I can return to a nice wholesome flash bootloader.

Michael Joya
Associate II

I mean these are both respectable USB bootloaders but the original flash bootloader that I had was just an STLINK/V2 over SWD programmer. Do you know if that is available for download?

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Look on github


I'm facing the same issue.

The ST-link want respond. but the code uploads over uart

Chief II

>I'm facing the same issue.

really ?

i didnt see any specification , what "original" bootloader he is talking can tell this ?

is it arduino ???

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No you're here with a "Me Too" issue 3 years later

The Blue-Pill board does not include an ST-LINK, you'll always get an "ST-LINK Not Found" type error with them. STM32 Cube Programmer can connect via USART/COM methods.

What "errors" specifically are you getting?

There are precompiled binaries for the code reside ON the Blue-Pill board that are called out on the pages already cited.

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