2021-05-12 9:56 AM
Since ST announced to go with Azure RTOS, does this mean freeRTOS is not longer supported and won't run on ST MCUs anymore? Or does it mean the effort to implement freeRTOS is quite high compared to Azure RTOS, because there won't be any support for freeRTOS from ST itself?
2021-05-12 10:21 AM
Software that's written will continue to function.
2021-05-12 10:27 AM
But new freeRTOS versions will not work?
2021-05-12 11:55 AM
Why would they not work? The Cortex-Mx processors are widely used beyond ST, what ST decides to do or not do with their code generators is up to them, but if you're behold to that, does it matter which OS they generate code for.
If you're invested in any particular OS, or platform, you can surely sustain it sufficiently for your own needs, porting in new things if needed, or use what's working.
2021-05-12 3:32 PM
Ok, thanks.