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Hard Fault after receiving packet with LwIP


Thank you for helping.

The microcomputer is STM32F769I.

I wrote the code with reference to the HttpServer sample.

TCP / IP server application.

When I send a packet from a TCP client, I can receive it, but then it HardFaults.

It seems to happen after releasing a semaphore with an Ether interrupt.

What could be the cause and how should I debug it?

Thank you.


Looking at the Hard Fault Handler is going to tell you nothing.

You'd do better with a routine that unpacks the failure state,and then look at the code that was faulting and the registers at that time.

Look at a disassembly view of the failing code, match it to the C code you compiled, and work back up the call-stack from there.

What structures, what pointers, and if memory has been released, etc.

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Hi Tesla DeLorean

It was working at the time of FreeRTOS Ver1.

I'm using Ver2 now.

But I don't know if it's a Ver2 problem.

Now I don't have time to track in other jobs.

Thank you for your response.