2022-01-11 3:51 AM
2022-01-11 3:52 AM
Sorry i should post this in the question.
i am having an issue using STM32G4 with I2C DMS and FreeRTOS.
I have used the library https://github.com/firebull/STM32-LCD-HD44780-I2C for a long time with STM32F4 and free RTOS and it works perfectly.
Now I wanted to use it with STM32G4 but the Problem is:
The hardware doesn’t have any problem because I can print text without DMA using blocking mode with another driver.
I have used USB Scope to inspect the problem and tried a lot of things like resetting I2C with I2C busy flag strange behaviour or reducing the speed but nothing worked.
I have used the same configurations that worked on STM32F4 with STM32G4 in CubeMX but HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_DMA is not sending the other bytes and the bus is held
Can someone help me please? Thanks.
update 1: I changed the 3 functions to transmit in the library from DMA to blocking mode and it works but not with DMA.