2020-01-23 3:12 AM
I am using HAL Version 1.6 as mentionned in the stm32h7xx_hal.c file.
I want to use the HASH function. Refering to the example, the HAL_HASHEx_SHA256_Start is a one time call function that return the HASH of the provided buffer.
However, despite the API return HAL_OK, the hash returned is empty. When debugging, I see the internal state going to SUSPENDED. In the previous version of the HAL I was using this was not the case. I need to either monitor the State and relaunch the HAL_HASHEx_SHA256_Start of maybe call the HAL_HASHEx_SHA256_Finish. This is quite unclear, and of course in either case, the provided example is not really accurate. The call of the Finish function seems to be used when using IT, DMA ,... and the Start function is supposed to be blocking as I understand.
Hope you can help me.
2020-02-07 12:37 AM
I am sorry to push, but can I expect a feedback on how to proceed to use properly this API ?