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STM32WB5MMG - CPU2 is Blocking Flash operations from CPU1

Associate II

Hi everybody,

Here's a bit of context of my project:

  • I'm using BLE Mesh Template, using Sensor and Generic Models.
  • I'm enabling the USB and the CDC middleware. Thus:
  • I changed the configuration of the SystemClock.
  • The nodes are mostly self-provisioned.
  • One node is working as root/gateway.

And here comes the problem. When I try to Self-Provision the Root Node, by enabling the

DYNAMIC_PROVISIONER feature in mesh_cfg_usr.h, and execute the command ATEP ROOT. The app "hangs" indefinitely.
These two logs show: 1.- The uncomplete self-provisioning process and (2.-) the second log shows the complete self-provisioning process.
UNCOMPLETE PROCESS. Application Crashes; the last line is where the app dies.


Wireless Firmware version 1.17.3
                                                       Wireless Firmware build 2
                                                                                FUS version 1.2.0
                                                                                                 >>== SHCI_SUB    _EVT_CODE_READY
                         >>== DBGMCU_GetRevisionID= 2003
>>== DBGMCU_GetDeviceID= 495
  Success: SHCI_C2_BLE_Init command
  Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command - CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET
                                                                           Public Bluetooth Address: 00:80:e1:    27:f3:c3
        Unprovisioned device

[Features Supported]
Relay = Enabled
Proxy = Enabled
Friend = Enabled
Dynamic Provisioner = Enabled

PB-ADV = Enabled
PB-GATT = Enabled

[Library Capabilities]
Net Keys = 3
App Keys = 3
Elements per Node = 5
Models per Element = 11
Subscription per Model = 10
Default TTL = 8
Default Network Transmit Count = 3
Default Relay retransmit Count = 2

[Enabled Models]
For Element Index = 0 or Element Number = 1
Generic On Off Server
Generic Power On Off Server
Generic Power On Off Setup Server
Sensor Client
For Element Index = 1 or Element Number = 2
Generic On Off Client
Generic Power On Off Client
For Element Index = 2 or Element Number = 3
Generic On Off Client
Generic Power On Off Client

[Important Information]
Embedded Provisioner data saving enabled
Number of Elements enabled in Application: 3
Neighbour Table is enabled

BLE-Mesh Lighting Demo v1.13.008
BLE-Mesh Library v01.13.008
BLE Stack v1.17.3 Branch=0 Type=2
FUS v1.2.0
BD_MAC Address = [c0]:[80]:[e1]:[27]:[f3]:[c3]
UUID Address = [f8] [1d] [4f] [ae] [7d] [ec] [4b] [53] [a1] [54] [c3] [f3] [27] [e1] [80] [c0]
received ATEP ROOT
                  Provisioner node
Provisioner Dev Key:[42] [c8] [d8] [e2] [62] [9f] [97] [cb] [06] [06] [50] [c6] [ba] [ac] [48] [bd]
Test command executed successfully

75987 AppliPrvnNvm_Process - Saving provisioning data in SubPage[00000000]
76039 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
76039 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0001]
76039 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001000]
76039 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
76039 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0001]
76040 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001006]
76040 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
76040 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0001]
76040 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001007]
76040 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
76041 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0001]
76041 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001102]
76041 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
76041 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0002]
76041 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001001]
76041 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
76042 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0002]
76042 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001008]
76042 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
76042 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0003]
76042 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001001]
76043 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
76043 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0003]
76043 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001008]
76043 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 01 00 00 c0 00 10 76044 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0001]
76044 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
76044 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001000]
76063 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 01 00 00 c0 06 10 76063 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0001]
76063 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
76064 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001006]
76082 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 01 00 00 c0 07 10 76083 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0001]
76083 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
76083 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001007]
76102 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 01 00 00 c0 02 11 76102 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0001]
76102 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
76103 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001102]
76121 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 02 00 00 c0 01 10 76122 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0002]
76122 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
76122 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001001]
76141 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 02 00 00 c0 08 10 76141 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0002]
76141 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
76142 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001008]
76160 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 03 00 00 c0 01 10 76160 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0003]
76161 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
76161 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001001]
76180 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 03 00 00 c0 08 10 76180 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0003]
76180 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
76180 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001008]
76248 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
76248 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
76248 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - elementAddr = [0001]
76248 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - publishAddress = [c000]
76248 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - modelIdentifier = [00001000]
Publication Set buffer
01 00 00 c0 00 00 08 00 00 00 10
76318 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
76318 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
76318 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - elementAddr = [0001]
76318 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - publishAddress = [c000]
76319 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - modelIdentifier = [00001006]
Publication Set buffer
01 00 00 c0 00 00 08 00 00 06 10


COMPLETE PROCESS. Application is working


Wireless Firmware version 1.17.3
                                Wireless Firmware build 2
                                                         FUS version 1.2.0
                                                                          >>== SHCI_SUB_EVT_CODE_READY
                         >>== DBGMCU_GetRevisionID= 2003
>>== DBGMCU_GetDeviceID= 495
  Success: SHCI_C2_BLE_Init command
  Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command - CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET
                                                                           Public Bluetooth Address: 00:80:e1:    27:f3:c3
        Provisioned node
Provisioned Node Address: [0001]

[Features Supported]
Relay = Enabled
Proxy = Enabled
Friend = Enabled
Dynamic Provisioner = Enabled

PB-ADV = Enabled
PB-GATT = Enabled

[Library Capabilities]
Net Keys = 3
App Keys = 3
Elements per Node = 5
Models per Element = 11
Subscription per Model = 10
Default TTL = 8
Default Network Transmit Count = 3
Default Relay retransmit Count = 2

[Enabled Models]
For Element Index = 0 or Element Number = 1
Generic On Off Server
Generic Power On Off Server
Generic Power On Off Setup Server
Sensor Client
For Element Index = 1 or Element Number = 2
Generic On Off Client
Generic Power On Off Client
For Element Index = 2 or Element Number = 3
Generic On Off Client
Generic Power On Off Client

[Important Information]
Embedded Provisioner data saving enabled
Number of Elements enabled in Application: 3
Neighbour Table is enabled

BLE-Mesh Lighting Demo v1.13.008
BLE-Mesh Library v01.13.008
BLE Stack v1.17.3 Branch=0 Type=2
FUS v1.2.0
BD_MAC Address = [c0]:[80]:[e1]:[27]:[f3]:[c3]
UUID Address = [f8] [1d] [4f] [ae] [7d] [ec] [4b] [53] [a1] [54] [c3] [f3] [27] [e1] [80] [c0]
received ATEP ROOT
                  Provisioner node
Provisioner Dev Key:[d1] [af] [02] [08] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00]
Test command executed successfully

8567 AppliPrvnNvm_Process - Saving provisioning data in SubPage[00000018]
8584 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
8584 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0001]
8585 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001000]
8585 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
8585 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0001]
8585 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001006]
8585 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
8585 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0001]
8586 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001007]
8586 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
8586 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0001]
8586 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001102]
8586 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
8587 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0002]
8587 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001001]
8587 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
8587 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0002]
8587 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001008]
8587 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
8588 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0003]
8588 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001001]
8588 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - Config Client App Key Bind message
8588 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - elementAddr = [0003]
8588 ConfigClient_ModelAppBind - modelIdentifier = [00001008]
8589 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 01 00 00 c0 00 10 8589 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0001]
8589 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
8590 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001000]
8590 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 01 00 00 c0 06 10 8590 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0001]
8590 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
8591 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001006]
8591 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 01 00 00 c0 07 10 8591 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0001]
8591 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
8592 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001007]
8592 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 01 00 00 c0 02 11 8592 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0001]
8592 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
8593 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001102]
8593 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 02 00 00 c0 01 10 8593 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0002]
8593 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
8594 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001001]
8594 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 02 00 00 c0 08 10 8594 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0002]
8594 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
8595 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001008]
8595 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 03 00 00 c0 01 10 8595 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0003]
8595 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
8596 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001001]
8596 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - Config Client Subscription Add Message
Subscription Set buffer 03 00 00 c0 08 10 8596 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - elementAddr = [0003]
8596 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - SubscriptionAddress = [c000]
8597 ConfigClient_SubscriptionAdd - modelIdentifier = [00001008]
8597 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - elementAddr = [0001]
8617 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
8617 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
8617 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - elementAddr = [0001]
Publication Set buffer
8636 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
8636 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
8636 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - elementAddr = [0001]
8656 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
8656 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
8656 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - elementAddr = [0001]
8656 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - publishAddress = [c000]
8675 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
8675 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
Publication Set buffer
8695 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
8695 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
8695 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - elementAddr = [0002]
8695 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - publishAddress = [c000]
8714 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
8715 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
8715 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - elementAddr = [0003]
8715 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - publishAddress = [c000]
8734 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add Message
8734 ConfigClient_PublicationSet - Config Client Publication Add
**Provisioner Node configured**



Now, I take time to figue out what was causing this problem. And I found out this.

The app is hanging in this call stack:

AppliPrvnNvm_Process AppliPrvnNvm_FlashProgram > PalNvmWrite > FD_WriteData > FD_WriteSingleData > 
There, the PC is on an infinity loop in the line:




 Take a look of this and:


  * @brief  Check if new program or erase operation request from CPU1 or CPU2 is suspended
  * @rmtoll FLASH_SR      PESD         LL_FLASH_IsActiveFlag_OperationSuspended
  * @rmtoll FLASH_C2SR    PESD         LL_FLASH_IsActiveFlag_OperationSuspended
  * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_FLASH_IsActiveFlag_OperationSuspended(void)


and effectively, this bit is set in the FLASH SR register.

Taking a look on the datasheet, this PESD bits in SR is set and cleared by Hardware.


How can I solve this, is there a problem in the BLE Stack firmware loaded in the CPU2? 


ST Employee

Hello @rdiaz_ice 

Have you tested the same behavior with our discovery Board? 

Best Regards.


To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

Hey, it's been a while since I've been here.

Yeah, I've been working with the STM3232WB5MM-DK.
It is worth mentioning that is an aleatory situation, perhaps in 2 out of 5 attempts this problem occurs, and the only way out is with a hardware reset.