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HAL_Delay() not working on STM32F103ZET6 (LED Blinking Example)

Associate II

I am using a stm32F103ZET6 to just blinking a led but the HAL_Delay() is not working.

I change the HAL_Delay() with for loop and it work.
this is the code that i am using :

while (1)


HAL_GPIO_WritePin(Led_301_GPIO_Port, Led_301_Pin, 1);


//for (int i=0; i < 500000; i++);

HAL_GPIO_WritePin(Led_301_GPIO_Port, Led_301_Pin, 0);

//for (int i=0; i < 500000; i++);



I want to work with HAL_Delay because i need to use it in a project with this mcu



I programmed the board using a CAN connection. I converted the compiled code into an SREC file and then transmitted it to the board via the CAN bus using a PCAN and microboot on my laptop.
Since my code upload method has been successfully tested, I'm confident

because when i add a for loop to the code that will enable the LED to blink. but without HAL_Delay

Not sure what do you do with these steps, but from software point of view I don't see an issue.

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Attached a project which toggling PA8 GPIO pin.

Tested it on STM3210E_EVAL.

Hope it helps.

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ST Employee

Seems you're executing the code from the SRAM (you didn't mentioned that important information) but it overlaps with r/w data and with VTOR. That's why the Systick interrupt (used by HAL_Delay) is not working

You need to rethink/rework your project.

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Can you please explain this. What do you mean by rethink/rework 

Also i have to add some information.

I change the flash memory in the file .std from 512ko to 484ko and the start address from 0x8000000 to 0x8006000. Because in the project specification i have to do that.