2017-11-22 11:27 AM
At least on the SMT32F103x parts, the SWJ_CFG bits in the AFIO_MAPR register are write only. Reading these bits is undefined. All of the __HAL_AFIO_REMAP macros in stm32f1xx_hal_GPIO_ex.h do read/modify/write operations to this register. This can cause wild behavior.
For example, on the STM32F103VET6:
This first sets AFIO_MAPR to 0x02000000 to disable the JTAG pins. Then, while remapping TIM4 it sets AFIO_MAPR to 0x04001000 which both remaps TIM4 and completely disables JTAG and SWD. This happens because the undefined read of the SWJ_CFG bits gets written back to the AFIO_MAPR.
Workaround are to cache the state AFIO_MAPR locally and write that, or use the Bit-Band memory to operate on individual bits.
#cube-hal #afio #debug2017-11-22 1:27 PM
Scratch that bit-band option. Forgot that it still equates to a word Read-Modify-Write.
2018-01-24 10:02 AM
I also just hit the ST library problems with re-mapped peripherals (via STM32cubeMX) , basically they contain read-modify-writes to AFIO_MAPR, a register that contains SWJ_CFG[2:0] bits that can't be read as you know.
I've re-mapped peripherals on many boards over the years, how many work by luckily reading valid or correct SWJ_CFG bits, I feel a little uneasy now, might they get it wrong on a power-up some day?
I though it worth a look to see when this was first raised,
95617 titled 'Issues when setting SWJ_CFG in AFIO->MAPR to SWJ_NOJTAG' in Oct-2016
84493 titled 'Lost SWD debugging Connection at __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_CAN1_2();' back in Nov-2015
I stopped looking at this point, The issue has been known for quite a while.
Any easy solutions?
At the moment I've hacked the cubeMX init into my own file and added __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_NOJTAG(); after each remap as I'm using 2-wire SW-CLK and SWDIO.
2018-01-25 4:26 AM
... when I say '
might they get it wrong on a power-up some day?',
it had occurred to me I could end up with illegal values in the SWJ_CFG[2:0] bits, Reference RM0008 table-18 regarding Debug config states 'Other : Forbidden', that;s 50% of combinations, however 7.4.2 says 'Other combinations: no effect' so perhaps they're safe, it's not clear.2018-01-25 12:03 PM
I ran into the same type of issue:
My workaround is to 'manually' call the remap function again in the user-section after all Inits have completed.
Please fix this ST, this is really hard to catch since the behavior is chock-full of red-herrings (I spent ~1h searching the hardware defines for changes after being able to 'fix' it by completely disabling SWD in the configurator).
2018-03-22 6:53 AM
We would inform you that a new patch for STM32CubeF1 Firmware Package v1.6.1 is published to fix this issue.
Kind Regards,