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FWupgrade_Standalone example not working

Associate II


Hi, I tried to run the FWupgrade_Standalone example on the STM32h743I EVAL Rev B board, but it didn't work.

There are currently three issues


1.HS, FS in the build settings are not working correctly.
If I don't connect a USB stick to the OTG HS without covering HS and FS, the red LED blinks. According to the readme, it seems to be USB Disconnect. When I built the example with FS, I removed the jumper on JP2 as instructed in the readme.


2.The example says that the download command is executed if the tamper switch is pressed for less than 3 seconds, but my board goes into download mode by itself without pressing the tamper switch.


3.After checking with the debugger, my board keeps returning URB_State_IDLE on line 192 of the usbh_msc_bot.c file(line 13 of the following code),


  switch (MSC_Handle->hbot.state)
    case BOT_SEND_CBW:
      MSC_Handle->hbot.cbw.field.LUN = lun;
      MSC_Handle->hbot.state = BOT_SEND_CBW_WAIT;
      (void)USBH_BulkSendData(phost, MSC_Handle->,
                              BOT_CBW_LENGTH, MSC_Handle->OutPipe, 1U);



      URB_Status = USBH_LL_GetURBState(phost, MSC_Handle->OutPipe);

      if (URB_Status == USBH_URB_DONE)
        if (MSC_Handle->hbot.cbw.field.DataTransferLength != 0U)
          /* If there is Data Transfer Stage */
          if (((MSC_Handle->hbot.cbw.field.Flags) & USB_REQ_DIR_MASK) == USB_D2H)
            /* Data Direction is IN */
            MSC_Handle->hbot.state = BOT_DATA_IN;
            /* Data Direction is OUT */
            MSC_Handle->hbot.state = BOT_DATA_OUT;



which causes it to return usbh_busy on line 798 of the usbh_msc.c file,


  while (USBH_MSC_RdWrProcess(phost, lun) == USBH_BUSY)
    if (((phost->Timer - timeout) > (10000U * length)) || (phost->device.is_connected == 0U))
      MSC_Handle->state = MSC_IDLE;
      return USBH_FAIL;
  MSC_Handle->state = MSC_IDLE;



so it seems to be stuck in a while statement.

I installed the latest version of the Cube MCU Package for the H743I EVAL board from CubeMX, and did not modify the example code.


Does anyone have a solution or advice for this problem?

ST Employee

Hi @Croaker 

Check SB50. It must be removed as well as detailed in the user manual.

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