2020-02-21 10:13 AM
we have just purchased a NUCLEO-H743ZI board. upon configuring a test application to work with an audio codec, we found that there is no option to enable *Master Clock Output* when I2S mode *Full-Duplex* is selected.
we were wondering what the rational behind this is? the codec we are currently looking at needs an external clock signal and prior STM32 ( e.g. STM32F405 ) are capable of provding it. why has it vanished with STM32H7 MCUs?
any help or pointer would be appreciated.
2020-02-21 1:55 PM
My audio DAC doesn't need the master clock but I assumed the clock was automatically enabled in Master mode if you set the pin to that mode - page 2195 of RM0433 document.
2020-02-22 1:22 AM
thank you for the quick answer. you are right the manual clearly states that a *Master Clock Output* can be created. however, there is no option in STM32CubeIDE to enable this. so this might be more of an STM32CubeIDE question …
a brief inspection of the HAL implementation shows that the `HAL_I2S_MspInit` in `stm32h7xx_hal_msp.c` only initializes the GPIO pins `SDI, SDO, CK, WS` and no master clock `MCK`.
before digging deeper ( or switching to SAI ) we are wondering if we are missing something obvious here or if it was just a decision to leave *Master Clock Output* out of the STM32H7 I2S implementation?
2020-02-22 3:44 AM
As you are probably becoming aware, CubeIDE is a pile of **** so problems like this aren't uncommon. The best thing is to enable the MCK pin in your own code and see if MCK comes out. If it does it's CubeIDE at fault, but if not I'd say the IC design is faulty and they need to change the datasheet. Worryingly I was about to change from a TI/BB PCM5102 to an AKM VelvetSound device that does need MCK so I think I'll delay that until you've found a solution.
2020-02-24 10:07 AM
thank you again mike for the pointers. long story short: i was able to initiate a *Master Clock Output* in Full-Duplex I2S mode. for future reference i will explain my steps:
i did exactly what you suggested and created the *Master Clock Output* manually. first i set up STM32CubeIDE in *Half-Duplex* I2S mode, where the option is available. i then generated the source code and looked for the implementation. i found two relevant locations, i switched back to Full-Duplex mode and did the following modifications:
enabled *Master Clock Output* in `main.c` in `MX_I2S2_Init(void)` ( approx in line 263 )
added the according GPIO initialization in `stm32h7xx_hal_msp.c` in `HAL_I2S_MspInit(I2S_HandleTypeDef* hi2s)` ( approx line 187 )
/* PC6 ------> I2S2_MCK */
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6;
GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF5_SPI2; // GPIO_AF6_SPI2
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
the oscilloscope was then able to detect a clock on pin `PC06`. also my setup with a WM8731 audio codec works well with this manual tweak.
PS despite being happy to having solved this issue and also receiving helpful feedback from the community, i cannot help but saying that i am not very happy with the quality management of the STM32CubeIDE ( and also parts of the HAL implementation ). i know that this has been mentioned before many times in many places but IMHO every voice counts. the wide and flexible architecture matrix of STM32 MCU is a really great thing and definitely a strong selling proposition. however, this needs to be reflected on the software and development side as well … otherwise people will turn to NXP or ATMEL. which would be a shame, wouldn’t it.
2020-02-24 1:21 PM
I totally agree. I had to switch to NXP's i.mx devices because the debugging in CubeIDE simply didn't work for the H7 series. I gather it does now so I may try it again in the future but ST really do shoot themselves in the foot by refusing to accept that both Cube and HAL are 1990's solutions and people want better nowadays. Also they cling to gcc when most people have converted to clang. Sad
2020-02-25 4:37 AM
for the sake of completeness: if both channels are supposed to be DMA channels it does not suffice to merely call `HAL_I2S_Receive_DMA` and `HAL_I2S_Transmit_DMA`. the second call will return with a `HAL_BUSY`. the reason for this appears to be that the state flag never gets cleared. however, a manually setting of the flag after the first call works:
HAL_I2S_Receive_DMA(&hi2s2, mDataRX, BUFFER_SIZE);
hi2s2.State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; // state flag needs to be cleared manually
HAL_I2S_Transmit_DMA(&hi2s2, mDataTX, BUFFER_SIZE);
2020-02-25 10:02 AM
just to document the absurdity of it: i have just updated to STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 and now it is possible to check the *Master Clock Output* in the *Device Configuration Tool* ( which produces pretty much the code i posted above ) however now the option to create a second DMA channel is gone … well *SIGH*
2020-02-25 11:15 AM
ST just doesn't get audio, does it. Are you too late to use NXP ? The only thing ST has on its side is better SPDIF ports.
2020-02-27 5:22 AM
The option to enable "Master Clock Output" when I2S Full-Duplex mode selected is now available with latest release of STM32CubeIDE (v1.3.0).
I raised your feedback internally to the appropriate team for improvement.
All comments and suggestions are welcome to improve our solutions.
Best Regards,