2018-12-10 6:10 PM
I' m trying to download the "Tiny_kernel_boot_loader.hex" via "Flash Loader Demostrator" on STM32's USART1.
At the very first step, connection settings, it says connection fail all the time,
I also recompile the source code of command-line mode "flash-loader" to do the download, after the download is completed, and switch to user mode, Windows cannot recognize the device.
The attachment is my STM32 chip,
Could somebody help?
2018-12-10 6:18 PM
Perhaps consider the circuit and what other pins are active.
You need BOOT0 High, you reset, and then you have one shot at connection, I'd start with 9600 8E1 (Even Parity). If you can' get the Flash Loader Demonstrator to work you need to test the board/chip in a terminal application like RealTerm where you can send and receive HEX bytes. You'd want to send an 0x7F byte after reset, and see if you get an 0x79 response.
Review the App Node https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/application_note/b9/9b/16/3a/12/1e/40/0c/CD00167594.pdf/files/CD00167594.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.CD00167594.pdf
2018-12-10 6:35 PM
2018-12-10 6:38 PM
In AN2606, it mentions
14.3.2 Bootloader unavailability on STM32F105xx/STM32F107xx devices with a date code below 937
Should I? (I don't how to check the date code, I put my IC marking in the attachment.)